Friday, December 20, 2013

NCCU's Jerry Mack hits ground running in search of aides

DURHAM, North Carolina  — A “Help Wanted” sign hanging outside the office of newly hired N.C. Central football coach Jerry Mack probably wouldn’t attract the labor force he needs to handle business with the Eagles.

NCCU athletics director Ingrid Wicker-McCree announced the appointment of the former South Alabama wide receivers coach to the NCCU head job on Thursday. And he comes without a staff.
Often when schools hire active head football coaches, they bring many of their assistant coaches with them.

Since Mack was an assistant himself, he doesn’t have a staff to bring to Durham. He has to put one together, and it would not be out of the question for one or more of his former fellow South Alabama assistants to join him at NCCU.

Mack, 33, said he’s been getting recommendations about potential assistants who are worth vetting.


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