Friday, December 20, 2013

Ram Ramblings: Maynor will have to adjust to Hampton and it's president

WINSTON-SALEM, North Carolina  -- It’s not everyday that the two most high-profile coaches in athletics at a college or university get along so well. But for Connell Maynor and Bobby Collins at WSSU they were each other’s biggest supporters.

Since Maynor arrived in 2010 he and Collins were quick to form a friendship and it’s something that Collins says will last a long time. Maynor has left to take the job at Hampton, and Collins made sure to let me know that he wanted to wish Maynor well in his new job.

“Connell is an incredible person,” Collins said earlier this week. “He’s very competitive and I feel like I’m having a brother leave for college. I know I’ll still see him from time to time but he’s a very good friend and we’ve supported each of our programs very well. I’m going to miss him.”
When Maynor said good-bye in his final news conference at WSSU he thanked everybody at WSSU and made it a point to say he was going to miss Collins.

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