Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Brawnski Towns has been treasured icon for Alabama A&M football (Mark McCarter)

HUNTSVILLE, Alabama -- There was a running joke I had going with Brawnski Towns. I'd make the offer to come into the coaches' booth at Alabama A&M, and he'd treat me like I needed to be in quarantine somewhere.

Back in 2005, I begged my way into the booth for a Magic City Classic, to do some inside-look column. I told head coach Anthony Jones I had done a similar story at a previous newspaper stop and he had only one question: "Did they win or lose that day?" When I assured him the team had indeed won, that was good enough.

My good-luck-charm time apparently had an expiration date.

Barely had I settled in alongside Towns, the defensive coordinator, and assistants Stanley Conner and David Arnsparger, Alabama A&M was in a 16-0 hole.

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