Monday, January 27, 2014

Black Men as College Athletes: The Real Win-Loss Record

WASHINGTON, D.C.  -- Frustrated by the endless grumbling about black men's failures, I have spent much of my career examining how black men get to college and what helps them succeed. We now have hard data, and many of the most effective strategies cost relatively little.

So I am particularly troubled that major collegiate athletics programs, known for generating significant revenue for their institutions, do not use proven methods to get their black male athletes through baccalaureate-degree programs and prepared for careers beyond professional sports. I am also amazed that these programs continually fail the men whose minds they have promised to develop along with their athletic prowess.

There's no question that athletics can be a pathway to education that transforms lives. But all too often, black male student-athletes leave college without degrees, and with little in the way of the training they need to succeed in life beyond sports. Recently I heard from a senior athletics administrator who was startled when ...


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