Friday, April 11, 2014

Florida A&M Wants More Than $100 Million For Split

TALLAHASSEE, Florida  -- FAMU officials say they're just looking out for their own students.

The Herbert F. Morgan building houses both FAMU and FSU's college of engineering. But FAMU officials are planning for the future in case the two schools can't come to an agreement.

"We're not in favor of the split," said FAMU provost Rodner Wright.

President Elmira Mangum sent a letter to Florida Governor Rick Scott asking for $100 million to start a new school. Most of that money would go towards a new building on FAMU's campus.

"You have to hire new faculty. You have to have start up costs and you have to buy adequate equipment."

The joint college of engineering costs $16.5 million to operate on an annual basis.

Letter from Mangum to Gov Scott_4.10.2014


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