Thursday, April 10, 2014

Pell Grants for Players: Alabama A&M athletes' need-based aid by sport

HUNTSVILLE, Alabama  -- put in open-records requests with Division I public universities in Alabama to learn how much Pell Grant money their athletes received in 2012-13. This is the sport-by-sport data for Alabama A&M.

The federal Pell Grant program is sponsored by the Department of Education, which determines the student's financial need. A standard formula is used to evaluate financial information reported on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid for determining the student's expected family contribution. The maximum Pell Grant award in 2012-13 was $5,550 per year and increased to $5,645 this year.

Alabama A&M athletes received $542,695 in need-based aid, sixth among all public Division I universities in Alabama. Athletes at Troy ($849,143), Alabama State ($678,984), South Alabama ($588,016), Alabama ($566,495) and Jacksonville State ($549,870) received more.


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