Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Henry Neal Williams: Approach is key in FAMU-FSU talks

TALLAHASSEE, Florida  --  To be clear, the Legislature did the correct thing by referring the matter of the split of the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering to the Board of Governors for study.

The passage of the bill that would have split the college would have been the same as enacting legislation to kill a FAMU engineering school. The Legislature’s action to refer the matter to the BOG removes the process from being under a cloud, and a dark one at that, to full sunlight — or so we hope.

Now for the BOG, one of its grand challenges in its examination of the issue is deciding on the proper approach of the investigation. The approach is very important, because it dictates not only the path the BOG will take but also what questions it will ask. It can take the narrow view and focus on how and what it will take to split the two schools, or the broader view and look more comprehensively at the joint school.

The first approach is myopic and likely to accomplish only ...


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