Monday, June 16, 2014

Inspired by Deceased Mother, UDC's Nova Coston Overcomes Adversity to Achieve Her Goals

Courtesy UDC Firebirds Blog
WASHINGTON, D.C.  -- Nova Coston was raised by a single mother in Queens, NY. It was from her mother that she learned a valuable lesson: “Never give up on anything just because you’re tired or hurting or bored with it. Nothing comes easy.”

Coston’s mother collapsed from a stroke and fell into a coma when she was just 19. She and her brother would have to take care of their mother for the remainder of her life.
Still, it was from her mother that Coston continued to draw inspiration as she went on to complete the Police Academy in 2001 and become an officer in 2002.
Later, she joined the United States Army in 2003 and served active duty for six years. While on active duty in 2009, she was hit by a tent pole during a windstorm and suffered a spinal fracture. After enduring months of rehabilitation, she went on to enter a tennis tournament, play basketball and even earn her yellow belt in Tae Kwan Do.
Upon completing her military service, she enrolled at the University of the District of Columbia at the age of 31.

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