Tuesday, July 29, 2014

FAMU looking for redemption despite tough schedule

TALLAHASSEE, Florida -- His statement was cliché, but it is how Earl Holmes choses to explain whether this will be a season of redemption for his FAMU football team.

"Put it this way," Holmes said, as the countdown begins to the start of practice next week. "Time will tell what's at stake as far as what the critics might say. We are going to take it one game at a time."

Remember, the Rattlers finished Holmes' first season as a head coach with a 3-9 record. That put Holmes, just in his second season as a head coach, under the gun.

But he seems to understand why even some of the diehards seem a little impatient.

"As far as redeeming, I feel it's time for us to make a statement," Holmes said." But there are a lot of variables; injury bug and all that stuff.


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