Sunday, July 13, 2014

Former ACA coach John Causey joins Stillman College staff

TUSCALOOSA, Alabama  --  Stillman head coach Teddy Keaton has wanted for some time to find a way to get John Causey on his coaching staff.

This year, the opportunity arrived.
Causey, a former UA offensive lineman who played for Gene Stallings and spent the last seven years coaching at American Christian Academy, has been hired as offensive line coach at Stillman.
“I'm super excited for this new opportunity, it's college football, it's coaching a position that I'm passionate about, that I love,” said Causey, who played center for the Crimson Tide from 1992-96. “I'm really excited about the opportunity that Coach Keaton has allowed me, and I'm looking forward to starting.”
Causey, a Hayneville native, was ACA's head coach the past ...

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