Saturday, August 30, 2014

Lee views rejuvenating VUL football as another opportunity

LYNCHBURG, Virginia  -- The loud thud of shoulder pads slamming together breaks up the silence at the campus of Virginia University of Lynchburg. The campus nestled in the heart of Lynchburg is typically quiet this time of year except for the sounds of whistles signaling the end of a play in football practice.

But down the hill from Humbles Hall is a different look for a football field that was once barren and almost forgotten. Fresh white paint lines the field and the holes that were often skipped over are now filled and solid.

The sounds are the same from the past couple of seasons. The look is refreshing and different for the players returning a week ago to VUL. In the grand scheme of Don Lee’s vision to improve the football program and ultimately make it successful, these are the first small steps in that building process.

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