Monday, September 15, 2014

Coach's fund-raising saves season for FAMU golf team

The return of the team means that the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference will have a championship tournament this year and an automatic bid to the NCAA tournament.

TALLAHASSEE, Florida -- When Marvin Green set out to raise money for FAMU's golf team, two things were on his mind – longevity of the program and an opportunity for his players to compete for a full season.

"FAMU's golf has been around for 60 years and we want to be around for 60 more years," Green said Thursday. "We want to be considered a viable and important part of our athletic program. We just want to be something that the whole community is proud of."

Green said that he has raised $30,000, which will cover the cost of a 10-tournament schedule and avert suspension of the program. The Rattlers will play their first event on Sept. 26 in the Hall of Fame Tournament, a major for HBCUs that is sponsored by the 100 Black Men of Atlanta.

FAMU announced suspension its golf team in June in a cost-saving move by athletics director Kellen Winslow. Green's effort guarantees that they won't miss this season after all.


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