Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Ram Ramblings: A lot to be thankful for on Christmas Eve

WINSTON-SALEM, North Carolina -- Nobody really knows why folks take stock of their lives around the holidays but it's a tradition that continues.

That's why Christmas Eve is as good a time as any to be thankful for a lot of things. A healthy family is atop the list and my wife and I couldn't be prouder of our 11 and 9-year-old.
But as they get older it's apparent they are getting somewhat of an attitude but I guess that will be more of an issue when they become teenagers.

If you are a Winston-Salem State fan then 2015 should be a good year. From all indications the new chancellor (Elwood Robinson) will be engaging and is definitely a fan of athletics.

During football season Dr. Robinson wasn't shy about ...


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