Thursday, January 22, 2015

Culver column: FAMU Field House still a major topic of discussion

Bragg Stadium and Field House Aerial Views (2014)

TALLAHASSEE, Florida -- One topic of discussion constantly on the minds of many Florida A&M sports enthusiasts is the state of the Galimore-Powell Field House.

The field house, originally built in 1983, has never been renovated. It’s certainly not ancient, but fans believe a new field house would be a major step in improving FAMU’s football image.

Of course, a major renovation would take cash, and FAMU’s athletic department is in short supply.

Tommy Mitchell, president of the university’s Alumni Association, proposed a $1 million fundraiser to renovate the field house in October, and during Wednesday’s 220 Quarterback Club meeting, he mentioned they’re still looking to break the $22,000 mark.

Angela Suggs, associate athletic director for external affairs, was also at Wednesday’s meeting. She said several groups will have to meet — they haven’t yet — in order to coordinate funds for a project like renovating the field house, which would take an estimated $2.5 million.


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