Monday, February 2, 2015

Florida A&M Law student by day, MMA fighter by night (Video)

ORLANDO, Florida -- It is the second day of class as Professor Deleso Alford orders her Florida A&M University law students up to the podium, one by one, to introduce themselves.

She wants them to share an interesting fact as they spend the next several months discussing deep, personal issues about race and society.

One man says he was a high school English teacher in a previous life. Another says he was listed as state witness 48 in the George Zimmerman trial. One woman owns nine dogs and one cat that thinks he's a dog.

A dark-haired man, dressed in a tie and crisp white shirt, waits his turn as he sits in the second row, his yellow note pad open.

"William Kelly," Alford says finally.  Kelly, 29, walks to the podium.


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