Wednesday, February 18, 2015

from THE EDITOR Amani Stephen Floyd: #NoDaysOff

TALLAHASSEE, Florida -- Is there such a thing as a weekend? Weekends are almost 50% of the week. If you take weekends off for 52 weeks, by the time you’re done you will have taken off almost half a year! Do that for the duration of your life, half of your life is gone; spent on weekEnds?!

In the fitness world the hash tag #NoDaysOff is used frequently. To the onlooker or spectator it implies one should physically work 24/7. On the contrary, the often echoed words “no days off” are to evoke a mentality. It sends a message to our brain not to relax or be at ease. Don’t relax on your eating; don’t relax on your exercising; don’t relax on what you allow your mind to consume (television, idol thoughts, etc.).

There is such a thing as the Sabbath, a day of religious observance and abstinence from work. Notice the Good Book doesn’t say “and on the fourth day He took three days off.”


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