Saturday, February 7, 2015

No spring ends Southern University’s ‘12 penalties

Southern remains under NCAA postseason ban
BATON ROUGE, Louisiana -- The bad news for the Southern football team is that it won’t be able to have spring practice because of NCAA sanctions.

The good news is this is the final sanction related to penalties applied in 2012 because of insufficient Academic Progress Rates for the football team.

The NCAA requires teams to earn a minimum 900 four-year APR rate or a 930 average over the most recent two years. The Jaguars fell short of the mark because of a 482 APR in 2012-13, which was due in large part to the volume of unusable data that Southern submitted to the NCAA. The NCAA discounts any unusable data.

The NCAA sanctioned Southern by reducing its practice time each week from six days to five days and by an additional four hours per week, reducing scholarships from 63 to 56.7 and the spring practice ban.


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