Friday, March 27, 2015

Carter settling in as DSU's football coach

DOVER, Delaware — Kenny Carter has been so consumed in his first two months as Delaware State University’s new football coach that some daily activities take a backseat.

“My strength coach will come in with food in his hand and asks, ‘Did you eat?’” says Carter as he sits on a couch in his new office. “I’ll look at him and be like, ‘I really don’t know. Then he’ll run out and get me some food.’”

While Carter might not be settled in his personal life — he is still sleeping on an air mattress — he has jumped right into football as Delaware State’s spring camp is well underway.

Carter is busy installing a new offensive and defensive system. His new coaching staff includes seven newcomers to go along with one holdover from last year’s staff.

The biggest change is the tempo. Carter wants to play fast and there isn’t much standing around during this camp.

The players have noticed the increased intensity of practice.


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