Saturday, April 25, 2015

Three found guilty on all counts in FAMU hazing trial

Benjamin McNamee, Darryl Cearnel and Aaron Golson are facing 15 years in prison

ORLANDO, Florida -- A jury has found the last three former Florida A&M University band members guilty in the hazing death of drum major Robert Champion.

Aaron Golson, Benjamin McNamee, and Darryl Cearnel have been convicted of felony hazing and felony manslaughter. The three were the last of 15 band members charged in Champion's death to stand trial. Most of the others took plea deals.

"A strong message needs to be sent: here are the consequences of what hazing is and what it does," said Pamela Champion (Robert's mother) after the verdict was read. "There's no pride in it."

The jury started deliberating at 3:45 p.m. Friday after a day of lengthy closing arguments. They returned their verdict shortly after 6:39 p.m.

VIDEO: STATE ATTORNEY Jeff Ashton on verdict


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