Saturday, June 6, 2015

B.C. Lions QB hopeful Greg McGhee (Howard U.) sees a benefit in being a multi-sport athlete

Greg McGhee, QB
College: Howard University
KAMLOOPS, British Columbia -- Greg McGhee may have immersed himself in the position of quarterback, but he credits his time on the basketball court for making him a better athlete on the football field.

Based on his observations, being a multiple-sport athlete wasn’t just a benefit to him, but others playing football, as well.

“It’s not that I judge a lot of athletes, but a lot of athletes that played multiple sports, such as basketball or baseball, you can tell who does on the football field,” said McGhee, one of five quarterbacks at B.C. Lions training camp this week, with John Beck out due to illness.

“A lot more people are probably a lot more agile or they run smoother, or more athletic than some.”

McGhee believes both basketball and baseball — Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson is a Texas Rangers draft pick — are the two sports that best tie into football, especially when it comes to speed and acceleration, the ability to jump and hand-eye coordination.

Growing up, McGhee played both basketball and football, though he said he actually quit the latter in Grade 8, before giving it another try when he got to high school.


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