Friday, June 26, 2015

UMES grad Myers working hard for pro hoops career

6"-9"/245 lbs. Forward
Photo Courtesy: UMES ATHLETICS

PRINCESS ANNE, Maryland -- When the NBA draft is over on Thursday night, University of Maryland Eastern Shore graduate Michael Myers doesn't expect to have received a phone call making him one of just 60 picks over two rounds.

But that doesn't mean he's given up on making it to the NBA.

"I'm more worried about what comes after the draft," he said. "I'm probably not going to be a draft pick because of all the high major guys. But I'm still going to be working hard. I'm just going to try and get more workouts and try and make someone's summer team."

Ever since he left Princess Anne after graduation, he's been working toward his goal of being a professional basketball player.

A morning workout with his trainer in the morning at a college campus is how he starts his day. He runs through various drills to work on different aspects of his game including his handle and shooting.

In the afternoon, he'll go and put up shots on his own and then head out to the gym or the pool for a workout.


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