Thursday, July 23, 2015

Alcorn gearing up for SWAC title defense

LORMAN, Mississippi — In the bowels of the university’s Whitney Athletics Complex, the defense of Alcorn State’s Southwestern Athletic Conference football championship has already begun.

Players thundered through the empty ground floor corridors like runaway horses before disappearing into the weight room for an hourlong workout Wednesday afternoon. Afterward, they shifted to the practice fields — far away from the eyes of coaches who aren’t allowed to supervise — to throw the ball around and run plays as mid-afternoon temperatures approached 100 degrees. It’s still two weeks away from the official start of practice and about six from the season opener at Georgia Tech.

Success, though, does not come to those willing to rest on their laurels, and the Braves are not about to give up their crown without a fight. “We’re definitely trying to bring everything back,” said senior tight end Jordan Payne, who earlier this month was named to the STATS FCS All-America team.

“Pick up where we left off and keep everything going, not be too complacent. Keep pushing, keep striving, and realize that we are the ones that everybody’s gunning for. We’re going to get everybody’s A-game, so we’ve got to make sure we bring ours.”


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