Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Arizona Cardinals’ Rodney Gunter (DSU) gets his chance

PHOENIX, Arizona -- As a gesture of building camaraderie, cornerback Patrick Peterson bought a bunch of hands-free scooters for the Cardinals' defensive backs this year. They're like mini Segways you just step on and zip around.

The other day at training camp, Jerraud Powers found Rodney Gunter, the team's hulking 6-foot-5, 305-pound rookie defensive lineman, standing on Powers' scooter in a hallway.

"I just acted like it wasn't even mine," Powers said. "I just let him have it."

Why would a seven-year pro shy away from a newbie out of Delaware State who didn't even start playing football until his senior year in high school?

"He's one of those country guys you wouldn't want to fight," Powers said bluntly. "He's quiet, he doesn't say much, but he walks around here and he has that look."


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