Friday, August 7, 2015

Ed Hardin: Broadway cautious about forecasts of A&T’s success

GREENSBORO, North Carolina — Though still standing on the edge of a slippery slope, Rod Broadway feels like he’s finally found his footing.

Now all he has to do is convince a football team and a nation of Aggies to take a deep breath.

Thursday afternoon, as storm clouds hovered in the distance, Broadway stood on the edge of a practice field and watched another season begin to form. It started with a shrill whistle. Where it will end is anyone’s guess.

A lot of people believe this season will end with N.C. A&T holding the MEAC title again, this time without help from its friends.

Broadway knew this season was out there somewhere when he first arrived, but he had to convince his players that it would indeed one day get here. And he had to convince the Aggie faithful that it wouldn’t come quickly or easily.


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