Tuesday, August 25, 2015

NCAA declares SSU women's basketball team eligible for postseason


SAVANNAH, Georgia -- Savannah State University head women’s basketball coach Cedric Baker received some good news Monday when the NCAA told him that the team is no longer subject to Academic Progress Report (APR) penalties and is now eligible for postseason competition for the 2015-16 academic year.

“We are grateful for the opportunity. The NCAA sub-committee went back and examined our files and made the adjustments to relieve us of our penalties for postseason play,” Baker said.

With the adjusted calculations, SSU has a multi-year score of 927 and the women’s basketball program has access to the longer transition afforded to limited resource institutions.

In May, the NCAA notified SSU that the women’s basketball team had a score of 923 for the 2013-14 year, and multi-year APR of 905, falling short of the 920 benchmark set by the NCAA for limited resource institutions.

SSU appealed the penalty and as part of the appeals process, the scores were recalculated.


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