Saturday, August 1, 2015

Phylicia Rashad delivers Tuskegee University's summer commencement address; Receives TU Honorary Degree

TUSKEGEE, Alabama -- Many may know Howard University's alumna Phylicia Rashad as the iconic “Cosby Show” mother Claire Huxtable, but to Tuskegee University summer 2015 graduates, the award-winning actress and advocate for African Americans is much more than a television character.

“I want to take this opportunity to introduce one of my sheroes,” Tuskegee University President Brian Johnson said Friday morning, as he introduced the actress. “Ms. Rashad, I say this with the most humblest spirit and the deepest appreciation for your work: We love you … We welcome you to the Tuskegee family.”

Rashad took the podium, discussing the historic campus’ legacy and her hopes for the graduates’ futures.

“I feel – I think I have been waiting all my life to be here,” she told graduates and guests, sharing childhood memories of the inspiration Tuskegee scientist George Washington Carver brought her. “It was his intention to learn at any cost, and at that time, learning was very dangerous for people like me, people like you. But he did it anyway.”

She said Tuskegee University was built on the “power of intention” – and that intention compelled figures such as Booker T. Washington and Carver to ensure the success of African Americans at Tuskegee.

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