Thursday, August 13, 2015

Ram Ramblings: Definitely a new vibe at WSSU's first practice

WINTON-SALEM, North Carolina -- I did see some familiar faces at WSSU’s first football practice today but most of them were the assistant coaches.

It was definitely a different vibe during this first practice of the season and I think it was different because of all the new players on campus. You would have to expect that after losing 35 players from last season’s 9-2 team there would be some turnover.

What was odd also about the first practice was that most of the players didn’t have helmets. Because of a snafu in delivery of the helmets only about 40 or so of the 120 players in camp were issued helmets.

Hopefully all the players will have helmets by Thursday’s second practice.

What I did find amusing was how many quarterbacks ran through drills. I counted three No. 5 jerseys who were quarterbacks. I’m pretty sure that one of those No. 5-wearing quarterbacks was Kevin Sousa, the Wake Forest graduate.


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