Saturday, August 22, 2015

Southern APR data submission meets NCAA approval

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana -- Southern has cleared its first hurdle in academically certifying its student-athletes to the NCAA’s satisfaction.

The Jaguars received notice from the NCAA earlier this week that the Academic Progress Rates data they submitted last week were complete and met NCAA requirements.

The submission of the forms is normally a routine matter, but Southern’s submission of unusable data in the past led to an 18-month NCAA postseason ban for all Jaguars programs, which was lifted May 15.

So as a result of Southern’s probationary status, the NCAA had to approve the submission before the university could proceed with supplying Academic Performance Program information by Sept. 28, a deadline which must be met by all NCAA members. That information will be used to evaluate the student-athletes’ Academic Progress Rates’ for the 2014-15 academic year in all 15 Jaguars athletics programs.


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