Sunday, August 16, 2015

Southern passing game has big scrimmage

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana -- Southern’s preseason camp ended the same way last season started: with the Jaguars cooling their heels while waiting to hit the football field.

Last season, they were stranded on the team bus while university officials sorted through which players would have to be left behind for the opener at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette because they lacked proper academic certification.

Saturday morning, the players waited 90 minutes for the buses that would transport them to the Louisiana Leadership Institute for the camp-closing scrimmage.

“It was a little joke in the locker room,” linebacker Demetrius Carter said with a laugh. “But it was nothing, just a little adversity. We’re used to it.”

A missed communication was cleared up, the buses arrived, and Southern’s 90-play scrimmage got under way at 10 a.m.

Photos: Fans mingle with players at Southern University's Fall Fan Fest Saturday


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