Saturday, September 26, 2015

WSSU Rams 'want to get this win for Gaddy'

ROCKY MOUNT, North Carolina  -- More adversity hit Winston-Salem State this week when a player was seriously injured in practice.

As if the Rams’ 0-3 record wasn’t bad enough, they now must begin conference play with heavy hearts as freshman Marquise Gaddy recovers from spinal cord injuries at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.

The Rams take on Elizabeth City State at 4 p.m. in Rocky Mount in the Down East Viking Football Classic. The game, which will be played on the natural grass field at the Rocky Mount Athletic Complex, can be heard locally on WTOB (1380).

“To be honest, we are 0-3, so we should be motivated already,” said safety James Bullock of the Rams. “But we look at Gaddy as a family member, and we will carry him with us even if he can’t be with us physically. We want to get this win for Gaddy.”

WSSU players will wear a special decal with Gaddy’s number 28 on their helmets for this game. The decals arrived in Rocky Mount on Friday night and will be applied to their helmets before the game.


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