Thursday, October 1, 2015

Manzo’s foot gives Livingstone Blue Bears an edge

SALISBURY, North Carolina — Livingstone’s trip to Bowie State, 20 miles from Washington, D.C., resulted in a football loss but an educational gain. The Blue Bears took in the standard tourist sights, including the Washington Monument and the White House.

The highlight for many team members was a stop at the Lincoln Memorial, the venue from which Martin Luther King’s 1963 “I have a dream” speech still echoes. That was the defining moment in a Civil Rights Movement that changed the world.

“We have a total program,” Livingstone coach Daryl Williams said. “We want to provide opportunities for culture as well as football. We’ve got players from junior colleges, from Florida, from California. We’ve got a lot of guys who had never seen their nation’s capital.”

Williams said many players quietly thanked him for the opportunity. In the big picture, the D.C. visit, will stay with the Blue Bears long after they’ve forgotten Saturday’s 45-17 CIAA gridiron setback.

“Seeing the White House definitely was on my bucket list,” senior kicker Leo Manzo said. “The trip was cool. I really like where playing football at Livingstone has taken me.”


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