Thursday, October 29, 2015

Southern offensive, defensive lines benefitting from head-to-head competition

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana -- Southern won its game against Texas Southern last Saturday the old-fashioned way — by beating the Tigers in the trenches.

The offensive line paved the way for 305 rushing yards.

“When you look back at the box score and see 300 yards rushing — as an offensive line you get real happy knowing that it was on us,” center Terrell Lee said.

Meanwhile, the defensive line set up shop in the TSU backfield, getting eight sacks and yielding just 92 total yards, including minus-2 on the ground.

The rushing stats were largely a byproduct of the sacks, which produced 75 negative yards, but the 22 planned rushes netted a mere 73 yards. The Tigers made just six first downs and ran just 48 plays.

The run-heavy offensive approach was partly because of sloppy field conditions caused by game-long rain that became progressively heavier in the second half.


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