Thursday, October 1, 2015

Walker resigns as JSU interim AD

JACKSON, Mississippi -- Robert Walker, Jackson State’s interim athletic director, announced his resignation from his position during an athletic department meeting on Wednesday afternoon, a JSU spokesperson told the The Clarion-Ledger.

Wheeler Brown, associate athletic director of compliance, will move into the interim athletic director role.

The timing of the news seems quite abrupt. Walker was interviewed on JSUTV as recently as Monday to discuss athletics and this Friday’s JSU Sports 2015 Hall of Fame Banquet.

But Walker, who was retired before assuming the interim position, contends he originally looked at the position with a six-month window.

“I’ve reached a point in life where I desire and need to spend more quality time with my family,” Walker said in a phone conversation Wednesday afternoon. “I made a decision myself. I shared with (JSU President) Dr. (Carolyn) Meyers that I needed to get out into the private world. I’ll always be a Tiger and bleed blue and white.


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