Saturday, December 19, 2015

DWIGHT FLOYD COMMENTARY: Air Force Reserve Clebration Will Be Short Lived

TALLAHASSEE, Florida -- Ever heard of the “Brain Bowl.” It is a competition for intellects performed at schools across the country. Like the international spelling bee, you are considered cream of the crop if you win one. Not as prevalent is the “Black Brain Bowl,” an event once had in Tallahassee, Florida to celebrate black history.

I was the school advisory chair at the middle school where my sons and daughters attended and as such was vested in any and everything that promoted learning and gave the school a positive image. I recall my twin boys competing with their friends in the middle school Black Brain Bowl. It was a special program run through a college grant and no the college was not an HBCU. Though humorous at times to watch, it was pleasing to see the boys practicing in preparation for the brain bowl event.

Every middle school in the county was involved and the group of contestants were diverse. To give an idea of what the program was about, one of the questions asked was “who was the football player seen running across the airport to catch a plane in a TV commercial.” The answer was O.J. Simpson.

When it was all said and done my sons’ middle school team made up of all black males brought home the first place trophy. Reporting back to the school I was excited and proud, that is until the school principal gave me that look. She really cared about these kids, but didn’t have the heart to celebrate much about the victory.

At that point the O.J. question completely registered as ...


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