Sunday, December 20, 2015

UAPB's Coach Monte Coleman Inducted Into Washington Redskins Ring Of Fame

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The crowd died down for Monte Coleman to take the microphone, but he couldn’t just yet. He had to pause for just a moment and hold back some tears.

“Thank you very, very much. I’m deeply moved, I’m deeply humbled, a little lost for words,” Coleman eventually said before the FedExField faithful at halftime.

Coleman, flanked by his Hall of Fame head coach Joe Gibbs and family members, stood at midfield raising his arms to the crowd, the culmination of 16 years of service to the Redskins, now remembered forever as a member of the Redskins Ring of Fame.

To make it official, his plaque, sitting next to Joe Jacoby, was unveiled, just a few spots down from Jeff Bostic, who was inducted earlier in the year.

“I just wanted to thank Dan Snyder, the Redskins organization,” Coleman said. “I want to thank my family, my wife, Yvette, my children, all of the support that they’ve given me through the years.”


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