Tuesday, February 2, 2016

XU's Goreau, Salwan are GCAC's 1st Players of the Week

NEW ORLEANS — Xavier University of Louisiana's Charlene Goreau and Karan Salwan are the first Gulf Coast Athletic Conference Players of the Week of the 2016 tennis season.
Goreau, a freshman from Toulouse, France, and a graduate of Raymond Naves School, did not lose a game in doubles or singles in her collegiate debut Saturday at home against Loyola. Goreau and Brandi Nelson defeated Margaret Adams and Lauren Rosales 8-0 at the top doubles flight, then Goreau defeated Adams 6-0, 6-0 at No. 1 singles. The Gold Nuggets won the dual 9-0.
Salwan, a junior from New Delhi, India, and a graduate of Modern School, teamed with Tushar Mandlekar for an 8-2 doubles victory against Loyola's Steven Le and Ernesto de Diego at No. 1 doubles. Then Salwan beat Lee 6-3, 6-0 at No. 1 singles. The Gold Rush won that dual 8-1.
Salwan is the ITA's eighth-ranked NAIA singles player, and Salwan and Mandlekar are No. 13 in doubles.
The Gold Rush (1-2) and Gold Nuggets (1-0) will play William Carey at 11 a.m. Saturday at XU Tennis Center. All four teams are ranked among the NAIA's top 11. Admission is free to all XU home dual matches.

Ed Cassiere, Sports Information Director


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