Sunday, April 3, 2016

ASU maximizing 10 spring practices

MONTGOMERY, Alabama -- Six.

That’s how many spring practice days Alabama State has left after being granted 10 for posting an Academic Progress Rate score of 932 for 2014-15.

Not sure how much a team can accomplish with just 10 practices, but ASU coach Brian Jenkins plans to get plenty of out them.

“The main thing is to get our scheme down a little bit more,” Jenkins said after Friday’s practice. “Get a certain mindset established with our players. We have a certain expectation and we want our guys to understand we’re going to practice to keep the expectation.”

Jenkins hopes the Hornets see the value in academics and prevent that from hindering them in any fashion. They weren’t allowed to have spring practice and a spring game last year and were ineligible for postseason play because of low APR results, but they put in the work in the classroom to earn practice time.


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