Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Cervantes Jackson finds success at Albany State after late start to track career

ALBANY, Georgia -- For three years at Bainbridge High School, Cervantes Jackson believed in staying in his comfort zone.

On the football field, he was content with playing both ways. He was a wide receiver for the offense, and doubled as a cornerback on the defensive unit. When springtime arrived, Jackson had no problem stealing bases and chasing fly balls in the outfield as a centerfielder.

Additionally, Jackson had another area where he found security. During lunch and between classes, he could always be found performing the latest dance moves.

However, during his senior year, Jackson found himself in a realm where he was unaccustomed.

“I really didn’t want to join the track team,” Jackson admitted. “My coaches Larry and Pat Clark (who are brothers), wanted me to come out there to see what I could do. I really wasn’t feeling it, so I had no CERVANTES plans of going out there.”

Although Jackson had made up his mind about not participating in track & field, there was one other person who would have the final word.


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