Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Ram Ramblings: Seeing Gaddy again lifted my spirits

WINSTON-SALEM, North Carolina -- I didn’t know what to expect when I arranged to meet Marquise Gaddy at Bowman Gray Stadium’s fieldhouse earlier this week.

Gaddy, who lives with his family in Charlotte, was severely injured last September in a tackling drill and suffered a broken neck and spinal cord injuries.

By some 10 months later when I saw him bounce out of his car and walk to the fieldhouse I was amazed.
As you could imagine the reason I wanted to talk with Gaddy was to see how excited he was about re-enrolling for the fall and getting back to school. I had no idea that Gaddy has bigger plans and is open to the possibility of playing again.

I’ve written a story that will run in the newspaper in the morning but there is so much going on with how powerful a statement Gaddy is making. He looks good, looks taller and weighing at about 185 pounds he doesn’t look at all like somebody who had to learn to walk again.


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