Monday, July 18, 2016

SWAC coaches, players call for change after recent shootings

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama – Brian Jenkins didn’t hesitate to say how his players have been affected by the recent fatal shootings involving black men and police in Louisiana, Minnesota and Dallas.

“You’d be surprised how many of our young people are actually scared,” the second-year Alabama State coach said at SWAC Media Day last week. “They’re actually scared. No one should have to live in fear.”

Jenkins is one of many in the Southwestern Athletic Conference who expressed concern about the recent events that have provided a serious reality check about what has always been an issue in America.

“To have to drive around and immediately become frightened if you see blue lights, that’s a hard way to live, but that’s happening in this day and time,” Jenkins said. “Why is it happening? We don’t know. How do we stop it should be our main thing.”

Grambling senior safety Guy Stallworth’s outlook on the situation is simple, yet heartfelt and poignant.

“First the world needs to understand no matter what color you are, you’re still a human,” he said. “White, black or blue. Everyone is still a human.”


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