Sunday, August 28, 2016

FAMU Rattlers Hold Scrimmage in Preparation For Season

TALLAHASSEE, Florida -- Coach Alex Wood took the Rattlers through a very controlled scrimmage today in preparation for the Sept. 3 opening game against the Hurricanes of the University of Miami at Hard Rock Stadium. The players did about a 90-minute practice on the bottom field, affectionately known to former football players as “The Pit.”

Today’s practice had a concentration on situation planning. From onside kick, to running out the clock, to field goal block and other things that could occur during a game, the Rattlers covered it. Wood’s goal, to leave no stone unturned about situations that could possibly occur during a football game.

Wide receiver Montavius Williams is just excited to get started on a new season. “Last season is over. It has been on our minds since the last game. There’s only one way to truly erase last season, and that’s to go out an prove that all the work we did was for a purpose. We’re playing with a chip on our shoulders and we just can’t wait for the opportunity to play and prove that we’ve bought in and a re ready to compete,” he said.

One main highlight of the day was the field goal block team. Keenan Anderson, who is about 6’6” and 360 lbs, blocked a kick and scooped up the deflection and ran about 70-yards for the score. The rest of the kick block team escorted him to the end zone. He rolled over in the end zone to the cheers of the entire team. At post-practice Wood addressed the play. “That was a good touchdown Keenan. I started to blow the whistle, but I let you keep going,” Wood jokingly said. Athletic director, Milton Overton, who was watching practice went over to Anderson to congratulate him for “making the big guys look good.”


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