Friday, August 5, 2016

New Southern offensive coordinator Chennis Berry comes across loud and clear

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana -- Chennis Berry can’t remember the last time his voice wasn’t hoarse.

At this point, it’s just the way he sounds. He doesn’t even notice it anymore.

Southern University’s new offensive coordinator never stops talking to — or, more accurately, yelling at — his players when the Jaguars take the field.

It’s a constant barrage of high-energy critiques and instructions.

If they do something right, he’ll let them know. If they do something wrong, they can be sure to get that message, too. It doesn’t matter if it’s a game-winning play or a lineman took a misstep in practice, he’s coming at them with everything he’s got.

“This is my sanctuary,” Berry said. “When I come on the field, this is what I love to do, so I’m going to be turned up when I come out here. I’ve got to bring the juice. Coach always tells me I’m the guy to bring the juice, so I try to bring the juice every day.”


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