Sunday, August 7, 2016

Southern notebook: 'Elated' Demetrius Carter cleared for action in 2016

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana -- Senior linebacker
Demetrius Carter has officially been cleared to participate with the Southern football team this season.

Carter was waiting to hear back from the NCAA, who was checking into whether his redshirt he received his freshman year was valid. He was originally seeking a medical redshirt after missing most of last season with a torn Achilles tendon, then had to wait for the NCAA to clear his freshman season redshirt.

He heard with about 30 minutes left in Thursday’s practice that he was cleared, and he was back on the field with his teammates Friday.

The word he used to describe his reaction to the news was “elated.”

“I’ve been through a lot, I worked very hard to get back, busted my (butt) in the weight room, conditioning trying not to get fat, eating the right things — I changed my whole diet — the whole deal,” Carter said.


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