Sunday, September 18, 2016

Johnson: Southern put the SWAC on notice with dominant performance against Alabama State

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana -- The topic of conversation among us media folks in the immediate aftermath of Southern’s 64-6 dismantling of Alabama State was the last time Southern had beaten someone that badly.

I couldn’t chip in on that conversation, since this was the fourth time I’d ever seen Southern play and the first time I’d seen it win. But I was still listening intently.

Even without the memory of Southern games gone by, I was thinking the same thing most people were after the game: When was the last time I saw someone beat someone else that badly, regardless of who was doing the beating?

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen it that bad, not live at least. From start to finish, in all three phases of the game, the Jaguars gave Alabama State a good ol’ fashioned whupping.

hat performance should’ve put the rest of the SWAC on notice.

Alabama State, despite the conclusion at which most people quickly arrived on Twitter, is a good SWAC team. Even after their 0-3 start, the Hornets should contend in the SWAC’s eastern division this season.


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