Thursday, September 1, 2016

Southern quarterback Austin Howard is the face — and voice — of the program

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana -- If there has been one constant in the lead up to Southern’s season opener against ULM this Saturday, it has been quarterback Austin Howard barking at someone.

Sometimes he does it with a grin, other times his brow is furrowed — but it happens all the same, and the key is the regularity with which it occurs.

Howard, entering his third year as Southern’s starting quarterback, has made it a point to be a vocal leader of his team this season. He sees it as a necessary duty of the starting quarterback. His coach, Dawson Odums, sees it as a natural progression for a natural leader.

“I always talk to him about taking the next step — in life, as a quarterback, as a leader,” Odums said. “Our life is broken down into a bunch of small steps. When you come in as a freshman, that light bulb is not as bright. You’re feeling your way around, learning unfamiliar territory.


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