Tuesday, October 25, 2016

from THE EDITOR Dwight Floyd: Rattlers Revived?

TALLAHASSEE, Florida -- As word spreads throughout the MEAC and perhaps the sports world that FAMU handled the Hampton University Pirates on Saturday and won handedly 31-14, many will see this as a game Hampton should have won. Some will wonder what happened to the Pirates while Rattler fans will view this as a potential moment in history where FAMU signifies that perhaps the losing ways are finally over.

When interviewed after the win, head coach Alex Wood was asked if the Rattlers are finally turning the corner. He is hesitant in saying yes to that though he seems to feel that the pieces needed to be a winner are finally falling in place. We may see Wood as not necessarily positive or enthusiastic, but I have come to realize that he is a pragmatist, one who is practical and full of candor. Just over the midway point of his second season and building a program almost from scratch, he maintains a higher standard than that which is imaginable for those Rattler fans who are ready to have a Pentecostal moment just at the thought of winning.


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