Saturday, October 29, 2016

'Just beautiful:' As he nears the SWAC rushing record, Southern's Lenard Tillery keeps his focus on the next game

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana -- There’s this thing about Lenard Tillery that Austin Howard said a lot of people don’t know, something that should provide an extra element of amazement to Saturday’s potentially record-setting performance.

It goes back to when Howard arrived on Southern's campus as a freshman in 2014. Tillery was coming off a year in which he ran for a team-best 784 yards as a freshman on the Jaguars' SWAC championship team.

When Tillery and Howard practiced for the first time, they did it together at the bottom of the Southern depth chart as fourth-stringers.

“We told each other we were going to grind; we weren’t going to complain about it,” Howard said. “We were just going to grind and get to the top. Whatever happens, happens.”

They’ve stayed true to that pledge and have been rewarded.


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