Saturday, October 29, 2016

Lenard Tillery breaks SWAC rushing record as Southern takes down Alcorn State 41-33

LORMAN, Mississippi — The record was broken, and so was the streak.

Senior running back Lenard Tillery on Saturday broke the Southwestern Athletic Conference rushing record, and Southern beat Alcorn State 41-33, ending a five-game losing streak in the series that dated to 2011.

“Defensively, we forced some turnovers. Offensively, we put the ball in the end zone,” Southern coach Dawson Odums said. “When you do that, it makes coaching fun.”

Tillery ran for 195 yards — one shy of matching his career high — and three touchdowns. He needed 114 yards to break the SWAC career rushing record. The record-setting run came on a 30-yard scamper on third-and-long in the third quarter.

After the game, he said he was happy about a career first — a win against Alcorn State.

“It means a lot to me as a senior to finally overcome that obstacle,” he said.

While Tillery was gashing Alcorn State, Braves quarterback Lenorris Footman was doing the same to Southern’s defense.


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