Monday, April 17, 2017

Savannah State athletics move to NCAA Division II

SAVANNAH, Georgia -- Savannah State University (SSU) President Cheryl D. Dozier today announced the intent to classify all athletics programs from NCAA Division I to NCAA Division II, "pending approval by the NCAA. The announcement also signals the end of SSU’s membership in the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) after the transition," the University reports today.

"This decision was made after months of discussion and deliberation in an effort to put SSU’s athletics programs in the best position fiscally, academically and athletically. This move allows SSU athletics to remain in competition and carry on their traditions," an SSU spokesperson says.

The administration "has maintained that fiscal responsibility for the betterment of students and the institution is priority. Senior administrators are in ongoing communication with the NCAA and the MEAC to create and coordinate a plan to have the most efficient transition," the University reports.

“While I am extremely proud of the progress our athletes and coaches have made at the Division I Level, it is not financially feasible for us to continue,” said Dozier. Additional details about the transition plan will be released in the coming months.


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