Saturday, May 13, 2017

'We can compete with the best,' UMES bowling coach says

PRINCESS ANNE, Maryland -- At just 7 years old, Jacqueline Rhoda picked up a bowling ball for the first time in her life not knowing what to expect.

As she attempted to roll the ball toward the 10 pins that stood 60 feet away, her thumb became caught in one of the three holes drilled into the ball, causing Rhoda’s body to fly down the lane at top speed.

The experience left a sour taste in her mouth, making Rhoda hate the idea of bowling even at such a young age.

Though her parents, who had both grown up playing the sport, pushed Rhoda to pursue a bowling path, her previous encounter led her to try other activities such as softball and track and field.

But bowling continued to have a presence in her life — it was in her blood.

“My grandfather was professional bowler, and he passed it down to my mom, and it was really my mom pushing me to bowl … that’s how I really got into bowling,” Rhoda said.


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